
Your web agency
& graphic studio
between Strasbourg and Haguenau

Serious, talented and dynamic, our creative agency Krysalidesign is proud to accompany you in your Web, Print and Video communication projects.

Real “toolbox” of your communication, we are trained, competent and experienced in each area to bring you the best.

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a lap


“With our team, your Web project is in good hands! We take care of the creation of your website, showcase or e-commerce, your emailing campaigns, your animations, etc.

From responsive web design to IT development, including SEO, the entire site creation chain is mastered. »

Samuel | Project Manager

studio graphique exemple
titre studio graphique

the graphic

“We create original and tailor-made creations, whether it’s creating a visual identity (logo, graphic charter, etc.) or paper supports (creating a catalog, packaging, flyer, POS, etc.) .

We also appreciate webdesign assignments that optimize the ergonomics of your website to improve the user experience. »

Charlotte | Artistic director

titre strategie et formation

The motion design
& video pole

“Whether it’s a 2D/3D motion design project, a corporate video or a spot for sponsored campaigns, we can take care of the production of your videos from A to Z .

We bring added value from the development of the scenario, and are proactive to make your project a great success. »

Sidy | motion designer

motion design videos
Formation marketing

& strategy

“Our team puts its marketing expertise at your service to help you develop your brand image, your identity, your marketing strategy, etc.

We also intervene in the form of training and/or coaching to support you on the marketing issues that you will be keen to submit to us. Some of our interventions can be financed by your OPCO, do not hesitate to contact us. »

Samuel | Marketing expert

Some achievements

Showcase website creation

for NOVITA (Schiltigheim) with CMS WordPress, 100% personalized design

Graphic catalog creation

for Nydegger (Colmar)

Creation of visual identity

Logo, business card letterhead, for Naouka (Colmar)

Creation of e-commerce site

for Biofa (La Wantzenau) with CMS Prestashop. 100% personalized design

Flyer graphic design

for KFC (Forbach)

Customers' opinion

Showcase website creation

for Gitarrenklaenge Baden Baden (Baden Baden) with CMS Joomla, custom design

Logo design

for the Kaysersberg glassworks (Kaysersberg)

Creation and printing of desktops

for Knauf Industries (Rhinau)

Greeting card design and illustration

for L&L Products (Altorf)

Creation of e-commerce website

for Burgard (Hoerdt) with CMS Prestashop

Krysalidesign values

valeur satisfaction

100% satisfied customers

valeur disponibilite

Available & reagents

valeur originalite

Original & personalized creations

valeur investissement

goal :
your return on investment


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